Jack and Jill’s sack of pills

I’m going to tell you a story,
It’s a very common tune.

About two people Jack and Jill,
And this is what they’ve been through.

High school was wrapping up,
When Jill met Jack. 

You see Jill was sought after,
But that Jack he was a mack.

It was a graduation party,
And everyone was having fun.

Jill had never drank before,
But everyone was having some.

So they danced and they laughed,
As they had a few beers.

Then they climbed in Jill’s car,
They had no fear cause Jack lived near.

A block from Jack’s house,
Jill ran a stop sign.

There was a truck coming through,
And jill couldn’t stop in time.

They smacked into that truck,
And everything went black.

Jack was hurt real bad,
The doctors barely brought him back.

Jill felt so guilty,
As Jack fought to rehab.

She stuck by his side,
They shared his pills and it got bad.

They both loved the feeling,
Of Jack’s oxy contin. 

All the guilt and the shame,
All that pain was forgotten.

Until eventually that doctor,
Said Jack you get no more.

Jack and jill they were in trouble,
As it was the pills they now lived for.

In they’re desperation,
They sought them out on the street.

But instead they found the feyt,
Went from snorting to I.V.

Jill began to sell herself,
Jack pulled his gun on anyone.

They had warrants for their deeds,
And so were living on the run.

Until late one night Jack and jill went up the hill,
To where those boys were trapping.

First jack then jill came crashing down,
And this is how it happened.

They shot up behind a church,
Nodded out when they were through.

When jill finally awoke,
Jack wasn’t breathing he was blue.

Jill she blamed herself,
And spiralled into depression.

She felt like life was over,
Plus the dope just wasn’t helping. 

So on the night they buried jack,
Jill was nowhere to be found.

They found her body the next day,
Floating river face down.

She had left a note,
On the bridge that she jumped from. 

Her mother read it at her wake,
This is how at all began.

To my family and my friends,
I’m sorry that we hurt you.

To my mom and my dad,
I’m sorry for what you were put though.

Its like we never stood a chance,
Life turned to dust before our eyes.

It began as harmless fun,
Before I knew it Jack had died.

It was set into motion,
Once i climbed behind that wheel.

Once addicted I lost choice,
It all just seemed unreal.

We both planned to become doctors,
We loved life and we had hope.

But our dreams were traded in,
For a needle and bag of dope.

Our story is not unique,
But our voices are rarely heard.

We are overlooked across this country,
From projects to the suburbs.

This is the true pandemic,
But we all act like we are immune.

Until you are the person,
Giving a eulogy inside this room.

The guilt shame and regret,
That we feel in active addiction.

Push us deeper into despair,
We create a lonely prison.

Connection is the key,
To a disease of isolation.

We must love our addicts back,
Come together as a nation.

We are all someone’s son, someone’s daughter
Sister, brother.

Someone’s aunt or their uncle,
Someone’s father or their mother.

So please help us to fight,
Don’t treat us as disappointments.

Your love can be a bandage,
Compassion may be our ointment.

So as I near the end,
Of this tragic journey.

I pray my voice was loud,
I hope you all have heard me.

Change starts when one of you,
Can inspire another person.

Each time you are successful,
Their story may end in a happier version.

Does this story touches you,
Do you know a Jack or Jill.

How will you choose to act,
When this story plays out for real.

We don’t have to fight alone,
You don’t have to get that call.

Love us back up off that bridge,
It’s in your court don’t drop the ball.

RIP Devon, not a day goes by I don’t miss you brother.

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